Course Introductions Unit

Expected Outcomes

  • Complete "All About Me" Survey
  • Carefully read through the Course Syllabus
  • Sign and have your parent/guardian sign the Course Syllabus Acknowledgement Form passed out in class.  If you did not receive the form or misplaced it, please print, complete and return the form.
  • Review Student Handbook
  • Create a To-Do List using Google Spreadsheets and share it with  Your To-Do List should have at least five columns:
      1. date
      2. to do in class
      3. to do at home
      4. questions that I have
      5. teacher's comments
    • Sign up to be the Business Thoughts Leader
    • Scan The Wall Street Journal, Pacific Business News, or Star Advertiser (links in the right hand margin) to keep abreast of business-related current events.
    • Bring earbuds or headphones to all classes.  (If you don't have earbuds or headphones and cannot afford to buy one before our next class, please come and see me.  I have extra earbuds that you may have.)
    • Practice classroom procedures in the Student Handbook
    • Watch You Can Choose Business Education The video will mention a number of basic business skills.  You will be asked to share which one you would like to learn. 
    • Model and analyze Business Thoughts Leader routine
    • Review Discipline Plan The plan lists rewards for those students who follow all class rules. You will be asked to share other ideas for rewards.
    OPTIONAL WORKSHOP during class:
    For those students who need  face-to-face support in creating their to-do list.