Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 14

  • Complete the project feedback form
  • Write a thank you card to your business partner.  I will mail them.
  • Business Thoughts
  • Final SAMR presentations
  • Project Defense
  • Cash Flow Game
  • Buying a Home 
  • Tuesday, May 12, 2015

    Week of May 12

    • Markle Office Design Presentation
    • Powtoons
    • Business Thoughts
    • Group Project Defense
    • CashFlow
    • Homebuyer's Roadmap - Complete the activity in the document entitled "Buying a Home" in your Google Drive student folder

    Monday, May 4, 2015

    Wednesday, April 29, 2015

    April 30

  • Business Thoughts
  • Finish your SAMR poster or video. Be ready to share it with the class on Tuesday.
  • Run your own lemonade stand in this Lemonade Stand Game
  • Pick up a worksheet from the Business Core Out Box to keep track of your game play. 
  • Record statistics on the worksheet while you play the game. 
  • Turn in your worksheet in the Business Core In Box when done playing the game. 
  • Complete the Technology in Business Case Study.  You will find it in your student folder on Google Drive.
  • Group Work
  • Tuesday, April 28, 2015

    Week of April 28

    Tuesday, April 21, 2015

    Week of April 21