Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Creating Financial Statements

Review the BINGO answers then continue working on the Financial Statements Unit.  Remember, you can use your to-do lists to ask me any questions you may have.  Simply type them in the “Questions” column.  

Missing Code of Conduct Forms:
Kayelah, Mason, Dante, Khay, Ryan
Missing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms:
Kayelah, Branson, Dante, Paulsson, Kasey, Ryan
Missing To-Do Lists:
Kayelah, Branson, Lauren, Dante, Kendric, Khay, Kasey
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:
Ericka, Sierra, Raynante, Mason, Jensen, Kaa, Kendric, Khay, Kameron, Kasey (pick another date since August 29 is a holiday)