Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Finish Strong!

photo: https://toughmotivation.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/phelps.jpg
  • Business Thoughts - Noel, Ka’a, Hailey
    • Thursday: Sophia, Khay
    • Friday: Alyssa, Ericka
    • Tuesday, October 14: Paulsson, Kendric
  • I graded all completed Company Backgrounds.  You may revise it until 11:59pm on Sunday, October 5.  At that point I will grade it one last time.  If you did not complete your Company Background, please do so by 11:59pm on Sunday, October 5.
Your Industry Background must be completed IN PARAGRAPH FORM by 11:59pm on Sunday, October 5.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Free Friday

  • Business Thoughts - Sydni

    photo: http://fabulesslyfrugal.com/

    • Next week Tuesday: Noel, Ka’a, Hailey
    • Next week Thursday: Sophia, Khay
    • Next week Friday: Alyssa, Ericka
  • Complete Company Background Writeup
  • Congratulations to the following who earned a Free Friday by completing their Company Background Writeup!
    • Tianna
    • Jordan
    • Sophia
    • Taylor
    • Lauren
    • Dante
    • Alyssa
    • Jerome
    • Ryan

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Focus on Writing

photo by  Wesley Fryer
For the remainder of the quarter, our primary objective is to complete a WRITTEN company and industry background that we will include in our response to our client’s RFP.
  • Business Thoughts - Ryan and Raynante
  • Complete your Company Background Form (in your Google Drive)
    • Here is the example we worked on in class
  • Transform the Company Background Form as demonstrated in class
  • Revise your writing using the Writing Reviser tool (parental consent required)
  • Begin working on the Industry Background Form (in your Google Drive)
  • Transform the Industry Background Form into three paragraphs (similar to the Company Background)
    • Paragraph 1: Opportunities
    • Paragraph 2: Threats
    • Paragraph 3: Overall impression

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Company and Industry Backgrounds

    photoe: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Internet_of_Things.jpg
  • Business Thoughts - Kayelah and Sierra
  • Review the Company / Industry Rubric
  • Complete your Company Background Form (in your Google Drive) by conducting an internet research - DUE AT THE END OF CLASS TODAY
    • Here is the example we worked on in class
  • Begin working on the Industry Background Form (in your Google Drive)
  • See me if you were unable to download Auction Wars - we will use it on Thursday

HOMEWORK: Have your parent sign the SAS Curriculum Pathways Parental Consent Form

Friday, September 19, 2014

Internet Research

photoe:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Internet_of_Things.jpWe’ll start with Business Thoughts led by Jerome and Dante.  Then you will complete your Company Background form.  As you conduct your internet research, please type any questions you have for your client in the Client Questions document I shared with you in your student folder.

HOMEWORK: Download Auction Wars : Storage King.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Who's in the tank?

shark.jpgWe will continue our unit on Business Environments.  Jensen and Kendric will lead our Business Thoughts.  While they set up, please search the internet for UH Athletics’ vision and/or mission.  

After our business thoughts discussion we will continue working on the unit’s expected outcomes -- starting with Shark Tank.

photo: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Nsu_alt.jpg

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


Clipart - Question GuyWant a chance to win $500?  Write a short essay (less than 500 words) about how to inspire others to volunteer. Feel free to discuss in your essay the following: What have you done as a volunteer? Why is it important to volunteer? What are the qualities needed in the role of a volunteer?  Students in grades 10-12 may enter.  If your essay wins, you will receive $500 in cash!  Email MrsYoshino@gmail.com for an entry form.

Today we begin a new unit on Business Environments.  We’ll take a look at all the variables and factors that affect a business and its decisions.  Please begin working on the unit’s expected outcomes as Jinaelle and Kameron set up for their Business Thoughts.

photo: http://openclipart.org/detail/question-guy-by-scout-191766

Friday, September 12, 2014

It's Aloha Friday!

No computers today.

On Deck for today:
Business thoughts with Tianna and Mason
RFP Selection

TEAM FIRE ONLY: Please read all six RFPs in the RFP folder and select your first, second, and third choices here. Thank you!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Introduce Request for Proposals

RFP.jpegMissing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms: Ryan
Missing To-Do Lists: Khay (please share your list with mrsyoshino@gmail.com)
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:  Ericka click here to sign up

On deck for today:

  • Review today’s Daily Bulletin
  • Business thoughts with Dante and Dayton
  • Complete the Unit Evaluation for the Finance and Accounting Unit
  • Take a quick and fun writing readiness assessment
    • Play the Story Builder Game (the HARD version) ONE TIME only
    • when the game is over, take note of how many lives you lost (you start with THREE lives)
    • click here and fill out the completer form
    • Here’s a link to the game: Story Builder Game
  • Read an exerpt from Brand You in your student folder, in the “Class View” folder on Google drive, or for the 12 of you who finished your cutouts/drawings on Tuesday, please move to production
  • STOP!  Wait for further instructions before continuing.
  • RFP Selection

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

At the Finish Line

Missing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms: Ryan
Missing To-Do Lists: Khay (please share your list with mrsyoshino@gmail.com)
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:  Ericka click here to sign up

Good morning!  I reviewed all of your work on ratios.  About ⅓ of the class completed it successfully, with minimal mistakes.  About ⅓ of the class needs to correct or finish the section comparing Huli and Google.  And about ⅓ of the class needs to correct the first section.  Only those who successfully completed all the ratios work will work on a Common Craft video.  The rest of you will rework your ratios calculations.

On deck for today:
  • Review today’s Daily Bulletin
  • STOP, turn off your computer screen, and wait silently for the next activity
  • Business thoughts with Jordan and Mason
  • Complete a Writing Sample in the file titled, “Write an Argument” in your Google student folder
  • Work on the “Ratios Redo” file in your Google student folder

If you complete all of the above work, do a Google search to find out what is a “Request for Proposal,” or “RFP.”  What are RFPs used for?  Then begin reviewing the Requests for Proposals from businesses in the folder called, RFP.  I will introduce RFPs in the next class.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Keep up the Good Work!

Missing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms:  Kayelah, Ryan

Missing To-Do Lists: Khay (please share your list with mrsyoshino@gmail.com)
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:  Ericka click here to sign up

Thank you for the diligent work through the Financial Statement Unit.  Continue working on the Financial Ratios Unit.  When you finish the Financial Ratios Unit, begin working on the Common Craft Video assignment in your student folder on Google drive.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Last Week of Finance and Accounting

Missing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms:  Kayelah, Ryan
Missing To-Do Lists: Khay (please share your list with mrsyoshino@gmail.com)
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:  Ericka, Kameron, Mason, and Raynante  click here to sign up


Check your email.  I sent you feedback on your Financial Reports.  If you did not complete your Financial Reports, you can still complete it for credit on the assignment.  However, the lateness will affect your class participation grade.

Thank you for the diligent work through the Financial Statement Unit.  Continue working working on the Financial Ratios Unit.  When you finish the Financial Ratios Unit, please see me for the next assignment.