Thursday, September 11, 2014

Introduce Request for Proposals

RFP.jpegMissing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms: Ryan
Missing To-Do Lists: Khay (please share your list with
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:  Ericka click here to sign up

On deck for today:

  • Review today’s Daily Bulletin
  • Business thoughts with Dante and Dayton
  • Complete the Unit Evaluation for the Finance and Accounting Unit
  • Take a quick and fun writing readiness assessment
    • Play the Story Builder Game (the HARD version) ONE TIME only
    • when the game is over, take note of how many lives you lost (you start with THREE lives)
    • click here and fill out the completer form
    • Here’s a link to the game: Story Builder Game
  • Read an exerpt from Brand You in your student folder, in the “Class View” folder on Google drive, or for the 12 of you who finished your cutouts/drawings on Tuesday, please move to production
  • STOP!  Wait for further instructions before continuing.
  • RFP Selection