Thursday, November 6, 2014


  • leadership-quotes-cool-images.pngBusiness Thoughts - Hailey, Kameron
    • Friday, November 7: Sydni
    • Thursday, November 13: Alyssa, Khay
    • Friday, November 14: Lauren, Lillian
  • Review Corporate Culture
    • Complete Company Culture Spreadsheet in student folder
    • use Google to search or personal experience
    • rubric is in the Class View folder
  • Power Structures - Leadership (slides, starting at slide 8)
  • Revise RFP Idea Generation

    • current grade is preliminary
    • look at the rubric attached and revise as needed
    • final grading will be this weekend
  • Begin Developing Implementation Plan (spreadsheet in student folder)
    • review rubric in Class View folder
    • these are the steps you would take if your idea is selected
    • if your idea wins, you will actually DO these steps with a team of four other classmates