Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 14

  • Complete the project feedback form
  • Write a thank you card to your business partner.  I will mail them.
  • Business Thoughts
  • Final SAMR presentations
  • Project Defense
  • Cash Flow Game
  • Buying a Home 
  • Tuesday, May 12, 2015

    Week of May 12

    • Markle Office Design Presentation
    • Powtoons
    • Business Thoughts
    • Group Project Defense
    • CashFlow
    • Homebuyer's Roadmap - Complete the activity in the document entitled "Buying a Home" in your Google Drive student folder

    Monday, May 4, 2015

    Wednesday, April 29, 2015

    April 30

  • Business Thoughts
  • Finish your SAMR poster or video. Be ready to share it with the class on Tuesday.
  • Run your own lemonade stand in this Lemonade Stand Game
  • Pick up a worksheet from the Business Core Out Box to keep track of your game play. 
  • Record statistics on the worksheet while you play the game. 
  • Turn in your worksheet in the Business Core In Box when done playing the game. 
  • Complete the Technology in Business Case Study.  You will find it in your student folder on Google Drive.
  • Group Work
  • Tuesday, April 28, 2015

    Week of April 28

    Tuesday, April 21, 2015

    Week of April 21

    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    Week of April 14

    • Reflect on Latest Client Feedback Report & Communications Climate Report in the file called Reflection 2015.04.14 in your student folder on Google drive
    • Group Work
    • Business Thoughts
    • Grade Distribution Conflict Resolution

    Tuesday, April 7, 2015

    Week of April 6

    • Business Thoughts
    • Project Rubric/Grading
    • Group Work
    • Q4 Affirmations - please complete your affirmations if you did not already do so
    • Communications Climate Survey

    Monday, March 30, 2015

    Week of March 31

    • Business Thoughts
    • The following people still need to sign up for Business Thoughts Leader:
      • Tianna
      • Jerome
      • Kasey
      • Dayton
      • Jon
    • Read my comments in blue to your Communications Climate Reflection
      • Respond if appropriate
      • Take action if appropriate
    • Discuss Open and Honest Communications (whole class)
      • My teammates do not have hidden motives in dealing with me.
      • I feel that I can be honest and straightforward with my teammates.
      • I feel that I can express my opinions and ideas honestly to my teammates.
    • Check Major Milestones - Did you hit your March milestone?
    • Q4 Affirmations
    • Group Work

    Tuesday, March 24, 2015

    Week of March 24

    Thursday, March 12, 2015

    Thursday, March 12, 2015

    I am helping out at Salt Lake Elementary's Career Day so am unable to be with you.
    I will see you tomorrow!


    • Business Thoughts
      • Khay (assessed by Lillian and Noel)
      • Lillian (assessed by Kameron and Khay)
      • Tiana (assessed by Ryan and Sydni)
      • Tomorrow - Raynante and Kasey
    • Group Work
      • Mikilana Industries
        • watch this video:
        • brainstorm as a whole group a list of 50 (yes, 50) different stations (similar to those in the video) that you can have at your Taste of Judo event
          • write your brainstorming ideas on a sheet of paper numbered 1 through 50
          • one person records all ideas on the paper
          • go around in a circle with each person sharing an idea
          • place the list in the Business Core inbox
      • All other groups continue working on your projects

    Monday, March 9, 2015

    Week of March 10

    • Business Thoughts
    • Are you Listening?
      • What is your default listening type? Take the survey here: 
    • Communications Climate Survey - COMPLETE BEFORE GROUP WORK
    • Group Work
      • Mikilana Industries: please review your Client Feedback Report in your Google Drive

    Wednesday, March 4, 2015

    March 5 & 6

    • Business Thoughts
    • Nonverbal Communications
      • Watch video together as a class
      • Take notes on the different types of nonverbal communication displayed in the video
      • Make your own video on the importance of nonverbal communication
        • one video per trio
        • trios will be assigned
        • upload video to one person's google drive and share it with
    • Communications Cimate Survey
    • Group Work

    Monday, February 23, 2015

    Week of February 24

    1. Business Thought
    2. Handling Criticism
    3. Check Progress on Major Milestones
    4. Kendric, Noel, Tianna, Dayton: Please check your email
    5. Tyler Kikuyama Systems Inc.: You may want to consider testing your app for longer than a week.  I would recommend allowing one month.
    6. Mikilana Industries: Please complete your Major Milestones

    Monday, February 16, 2015

    Week of February 17

    • Business Thoughts
    • Discuss Team Communications Climate Survey Results
      • Markle Office Designs, please redo your Communications Climate Survey.  My aopolgies but I couldn't find the results.
      • Search your drive for "Communications Climate Report" to find your team's results
      • Send me an email ( praising a member of your team
        • Praise effectively
        • Use proper punctuation and grammar
        • Write as if you want me to hire you for a high-paying job
    • Work on your projects
      • For those of you doing social media projects, Amazon is launching their Amazon Giveaways program.  Something to consider for your campaigns and discuss with your business partner if you think this would help your project.  View details here:

    Tuesday, February 3, 2015

    Week of February 3

    Thursday, January 29, 2015

    Thursday, January 29, 2015

    • Team Leads read your team roster out to the class one leader at a time
    • Gather as a team
      • Create your team contract (15 minutes)
        • on a flip chart write your company name at the top
        • list at least three different commitments you will have to each other
          • eg: I will follow-through on all my duties on time with 100% effort
      • Create a google document for your company that details each person's job description (5 minutes)
        • eg: communication point-person with the business partner, money manager, creative
      • Google search definition of "deliverables" as it applies to business (10 minutes)
      • Google search examples of business deliverables (10 minutes)
        • each team share their definition and examples with the class (15 minutes)
      • Begin creating a google document for your company that lists the deliverables you will provide to your business partner at the end of this semester 
        • share this document with and

    Tuesday, January 27, 2015

    Week of January 27

    • Finish Resumes - I will grade this weekend
    • Finalize Business Thoughts Rubric
    • Sign up for Business Thoughts 
    • Team Leads finish team selections
    • Team Leads Play Puzzle Game
    • Discuss Puzzle Activity
    • Conflict Resolution

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    Week of January 20, 2015

    • Complete affirmations
      • full credit = affirmation and appropriate, relevant picture
    • Complete resumes
    • Practice Interviewing
      • Watch this video : 
      • Practice with your partner
        • Hailey and Jordan
        • Ka'a and Dayton
        • Ericka and Lillian
        • Jinaelle and Jensen
        • Sydni and Kendric
        • Anthony and Branson
        • Jerome and Jonathan
        • Noel and Alyssa
        • Taylor and Kameron
        • Sierra and Khay
        • Paulsson and Tianna
    • Team leader meeting
    • Interviews
    • Team Selections

    Tuesday, January 13, 2015

    Week of January 13, 2015

    • Team A (Dante, Dayton, Jinaelle, Jonathan, Sophia)  may choose your seat first!
    • Registration Information
    • Kahoot Review
    • Review Class Rules
    Click on the link to go to the shared Google Slides file.  Find the slide with your name on it.  Add your new Q3 to your slide.  Use or the drawing tools in Google Slides to create a picture to go along with your new Q3 affirmation.  
    Click on the link to go to the shared Google Doc file.  Paste links to good resources of sample resume formats into the shared Google Doc.  Using the resources above, create your own resume on the document named "Resume" in your student folder.  If you use one of the resume builders, copy and paste the final resume into the Resume document.
    • Job Interviews