Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

  • Team Leads read your team roster out to the class one leader at a time
  • Gather as a team
    • Create your team contract (15 minutes)
      • on a flip chart write your company name at the top
      • list at least three different commitments you will have to each other
        • eg: I will follow-through on all my duties on time with 100% effort
    • Create a google document for your company that details each person's job description (5 minutes)
      • eg: communication point-person with the business partner, money manager, creative
    • Google search definition of "deliverables" as it applies to business (10 minutes)
    • Google search examples of business deliverables (10 minutes)
      • each team share their definition and examples with the class (15 minutes)
    • Begin creating a google document for your company that lists the deliverables you will provide to your business partner at the end of this semester 
      • share this document with and