Thursday, August 28, 2014

Financial Ratios

Missing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms:  Kayelah, Ryan

Missing To-Do Lists: Kayelah, Branson, Khay
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:  Ericka, Sierra, Raynante, Mason, Jensen, Kaa, Kameron, Kasey (pick another date since August 29 is a holiday)  click here to sign up

Check your email.  I sent you feedback on your Financial Reports.  Some of you may have received an email that simply says, “Hi!”  Ignore it.  It just means your report(s) look good so far.  

Finish all the activities in the Financial Statements Unit.  If, and only if, you are done with that, you may begin working on the Financial Ratios Unit.  BE SURE TO COMPLETE YOUR INCOME STATEMENT AND BALANCE SHEET TODAY.  I WILL GRADE THEM THIS WEEKEND.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Creating Financial Statements

Review the BINGO answers then continue working on the Financial Statements Unit.  Remember, you can use your to-do lists to ask me any questions you may have.  Simply type them in the “Questions” column.  

Missing Code of Conduct Forms:
Kayelah, Mason, Dante, Khay, Ryan
Missing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms:
Kayelah, Branson, Dante, Paulsson, Kasey, Ryan
Missing To-Do Lists:
Kayelah, Branson, Lauren, Dante, Kendric, Khay, Kasey
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:
Ericka, Sierra, Raynante, Mason, Jensen, Kaa, Kendric, Khay, Kameron, Kasey (pick another date since August 29 is a holiday)

Friday, August 22, 2014

More on Financial Statements

DO NOT TURN ON YOUR COMPUTERS UNTIL MRS. YOSHINO TELLS YOU TO DO SO.  Finish up your Chart-of-Accounts Bingo Card.  Continue working on the Financial Statements Unit.  

Missing Code of Conduct Forms:
Kayelah, Mason, Dante, Khay, Ryan
Missing Syllabus Acknowledgement Forms:
Anthony, Kayelah, Noel, Ericka, Branson, Jordan, Jensen, Sophia, Lauren, Dante, Jerome, Paulsson, Kameron, Khay, Lillian, Kasey, Hailey, Ryan
Missing To-Do Lists:
Kayelah, Branson, Lauren, Dante, Kendric, Khay, Kasey
Sign up for first quarter Business Thoughts:
Ericka, Sierra, Raynante, Mason, Jensen, Kaa, Kendric, Khay, Kameron, Kasey (August 29 is a holiday)

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Today we will play Accounting BINGO!  PLEASE REMEMBER TO TURN IN YOUR CODE OF CONDUCT AND SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORMS BY TOMORROW.  Begin work by reviewing today’s Daily Bulletin then continue working on the Financial Statements Unit.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Financial Statements

Today we will cover two different financial statements and the information that we find on those statements.  We will also begin our business simulations using the Tiny Tower app.  Please start working through the Financial Statements Unit.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Preparing Leaders and Entrepreneurs

Today we will learn about DECA and the benefits of membership.  Before we do that, please download the Tiny Tower (by NimbleBit) app on your smartphone, if your parents allow you to download apps. Please silently read one of the periodicals on our site for today’s news.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Introduction to Accounting and Finance

Today we have a couple more items to complete in the Course Introductions Unit.  For now, please begin the Accounting & Finance Unit, starting with the Pre/Post Test.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Course Introductions!

Today we will continue with classroom policies and routines.  Please work through the activities in the Course Introductions Unit, starting with the "All About Me" survey.